Troubleshooting and Repairing Your Backup Generator

A backup generator is a vital piece of equipment, especially during power outages when it ensures your home remains functional and comfortable. However, like any mechanical device, generators can experience issues that require troubleshooting and repair. This guide will walk you through common generator problems, how to repair them, and when replacement might be necessary.

Common Generator Problems and Troubleshooting Steps

1. Failure to Start

Possible Causes:

  • Fuel Issues: Check if there is fuel in the tank and if the fuel valve is open.
  • Battery Problems: Inspect the battery for charge and corrosion on terminals.
  • Low Oil Shutdown: Some generators have safety features that prevent starting if oil levels are too low.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Check Fuel Supply: Ensure there’s enough fuel and that it’s fresh.
  • Inspect Battery: Clean terminals and check voltage with a multimeter.
  • Oil Level: Verify oil level and add if necessary.

2. Engine Runs Roughly or Stalls

Possible Causes:

  • Dirty Air Filter: A clogged air filter can restrict airflow to the engine.
  • Fuel Filter Clog: Fuel filters can become clogged, restricting fuel flow.
  • Spark Plug Issues: Fouled or worn-out spark plugs can affect engine performance.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Inspect Air Filter: Clean or replace if dirty.
  • Check Fuel Filter: Replace if clogged.
  • Inspect Spark Plugs: Clean or replace as needed.

3. No Power Output

Possible Causes:

  • Generator Overload: If the generator is overloaded, it may shut down to prevent damage.
  • Faulty Voltage Regulator: A malfunctioning voltage regulator can prevent the generator from producing electricity.
  • Breaker Tripped: Check if the circuit breaker on the generator or in your home’s electrical panel has tripped.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Reduce Load: Disconnect some appliances to reduce the load on the generator.
  • Inspect Voltage Regulator: Test or replace if necessary.
  • Reset Breaker: Reset the breaker if it has tripped.

4. Excessive Noise or Vibrations

Possible Causes:

  • Loose Bolts or Mounts: Vibration can be caused by loose components.
  • Worn Bearings or Bushings: Internal components like bearings can wear out over time.
  • Misalignment: If the generator isn’t properly aligned, it can cause excess vibration and noise.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Inspect and Tighten Bolts: Check all bolts and mounts for tightness.
  • Inspect Bearings: Replace worn bearings or bushings.
  • Align Generator: Ensure the generator is properly aligned and mounted.

Repair vs. Replacement: When to Consider Each Option

Repair Considerations:

  • Cost-Effective: Repairing a generator is often more cost-effective than replacing it, especially for minor issues like spark plug replacement or air filter cleaning.
  • Availability of Parts: If replacement parts are readily available and the repair is straightforward, it’s usually worth repairing.

Replacement Considerations:

  • Major Engine or Electrical Issues: If the generator has significant internal damage or electrical issues that are expensive to repair, replacement may be the better option.
  • Age and Condition: Older generators that require frequent repairs or have outdated technology may be better replaced with a newer, more efficient model.
  • Safety and Reliability: If your generator is no longer reliable or poses safety risks due to frequent breakdowns, replacement should be considered.

Maintenance Tips to Extend Generator Lifespan

To prevent frequent repairs and ensure your generator operates reliably during emergencies, follow these maintenance tips:

  • Regular Inspections: Check fuel levels, oil levels, and battery condition regularly.
  • Scheduled Maintenance: Follow manufacturer-recommended maintenance schedules for oil changes, filter replacements, and other service tasks.
  • Run Tests: Periodically run your generator to ensure it starts and operates properly.
  • Keep it Clean: Remove dirt, debris, and dust from the generator and its components.
  • Store Properly: If storing for an extended period, use fuel stabilizer and keep it covered to protect from the elements.


Repairing your backup generator is often possible and can extend its lifespan, providing reliable power during emergencies. By troubleshooting common issues and knowing when to repair or replace, you can ensure your generator is always ready when you need it most. Regular maintenance and timely repairs will help you avoid costly replacements and keep your home powered during unexpected outages.

Need Electrical Contractors in Dover, DE?

Towles Electric, Inc. is a trusted and professional electrical contractor, proudly serving residential and commercial customers with top-notch electrical services. With years of experience and a team of highly skilled technicians, we specialize in a wide range of electrical work, providing reliable solutions tailored to meet the needs of our valued clients. Whether you need installation, repair, or maintenance services, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional results that ensure the safety and efficiency of your electrical systems. Our commitment to excellence can be seen in every project we undertake, as we prioritize customer satisfaction by offering prompt and cost-effective solutions. Contact us today!

The Crucial Role of Generators in Home and Business Safety


In today’s fast-paced world, where we heavily rely on electricity to power our homes and businesses, having a generator is crucial for ensuring safety and continuity. Whether it’s to keep the lights on during a power outage or to keep operations running smoothly at a business, generators play a vital role in providing backup power when needed. In this blog, we will explore why it is important to have a generator at both homes and businesses, as well as the overall importance of having a generator in general.

Why Is It Important to Have a Generator at My Home?

Having a generator at home is essential for maintaining safety and comfort during power outages. When natural disasters or severe weather strike, causing widespread power failures, a generator can be a lifesaver. It can keep essential appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, and medical devices running, ensuring that your family has access to food and necessary medical supplies.

Moreover, having a generator at home can provide peace of mind knowing that you are prepared for any unexpected power disruptions. Whether it’s a temporary outage or an extended blackout, having a backup power source can help you stay connected and comfortable until the electricity is restored.

In addition to emergency situations, a generator can also be beneficial for everyday use. It can be used to power outdoor events, camping trips, or backyard parties, providing an extra layer of convenience and versatility. Overall, having a generator at home is a smart investment that can keep you and your loved ones safe and comfortable during power outages.

Why Is It Important to Have a Generator at My Business?

For businesses, having a generator is even more critical as downtime can result in significant financial losses. In today’s highly competitive market, any interruption in operations can impact productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction. A generator can help businesses stay operational during power outages, ensuring that critical systems and equipment remain online.

In addition to preventing financial losses, having a generator at a business also helps maintain the safety and security of employees and customers. In industries where continuous power is essential, such as healthcare facilities, data centers, and manufacturing plants, a generator is a necessity to prevent disruptions and ensure business continuity.

Moreover, having a generator can also help businesses comply with health and safety regulations and maintain a positive reputation. By demonstrating preparedness for emergencies and being able to provide uninterrupted services to customers, businesses can build trust and loyalty among their clients.

Overall, having a generator at a business is a strategic investment that can protect assets, maintain productivity, and ensure the safety of employees and customers.

Why Is It Important to Have a Generator?

Having a generator is important for various reasons, whether at home or in a business setting. Here are some key reasons why having a generator is crucial:

1. Emergency Preparedness: A generator provides a reliable source of backup power during emergencies such as natural disasters, severe weather events, or grid failures. It ensures that essential systems and appliances remain operational, keeping you and your loved ones safe and comfortable.

2. Business Continuity: For businesses, a generator is a lifeline during power outages, enabling continuous operations and minimizing downtime. It helps protect revenue, maintain customer satisfaction, and ensure that critical functions stay online.

3. Safety and Security: A generator can help enhance safety and security by keeping lights, alarms, and surveillance systems operational during power outages. It can also prevent potential hazards such as food spoilage, equipment damage, or loss of critical data.

4. Convenience and Versatility: In addition to emergency use, a generator can provide convenience and versatility for everyday activities. Whether it’s powering outdoor events, construction projects, or recreational activities, a generator offers an extra layer of flexibility.


Generators play a crucial role in ensuring safety and continuity at both homes and businesses. Whether it’s for emergency preparedness, business continuity, safety, or convenience, having a generator is a smart investment that can provide peace of mind and reliability when you need it most.

Need Electrical Contractors in Dover, DE?

Towles Electric, Inc. is a trusted and professional electrical contractor, proudly serving residential and commercial customers with top-notch electrical services. With years of experience and a team of highly skilled technicians, we specialize in a wide range of electrical work, providing reliable solutions tailored to meet the needs of our valued clients. Whether you need installation, repair, or maintenance services, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional results that ensure the safety and efficiency of your electrical systems. Our commitment to excellence can be seen in every project we undertake, as we prioritize customer satisfaction by offering prompt and cost-effective solutions. Contact us today!